Cloud Security Alliance Congress 2012 to be held from November 7-8 will see Blanco as a key addressee and sponsor. Blanco is a global leader in data erasure and computer reuse solutions. Blanco will be housed in booth 1 and will address the role of data erasure in securing cloud data. It will also be offering its newly created white paper titled “Data Erasure Solutions for Data Center and Cloud Computing Security” to its audiences. The paper discusses how certified, auditable and automated data erasure protects information on equipment slated for reuse or retirement, while also supporting erasure of virtual machines (VMs) and logical units in active environments.

“While much focus was previously placed on pulling data into the cloud, growing attention is now given to securing this data when it exits, as when a customer changes its service provider or a data center upgrades data-rich equipment,” said Markku Willgren, president of US Operations, Blanco. “As we celebrate our 15thanniversary at this security-minded event, Blanco is proud to demonstrate how we”re helping a diverse IT customer base address issues like Big Data and targeted removal of data on active systems, while streamlining implementation of erasure best practices.”

Attendees of the congress will benefit from Blanco’s new centralized, efficient data erasure tools which help in data removal from all the equipments and hardware. These tools protect information stored on devices which are meant to

be reused or sold. Not only this, it also provides a detailed erasure report which is very important for any regulated industry.

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