Largo Reveals New Data Center Strategies

The city of Largo has launched

new plans for housing the city’s largest computer, networking, and server equipment. The cost of the project was estimated to be around $2 million, but the government of Largo has been incapable of reducing the cost of the data center. The cost seems to have increased to about $1.1 million more than the estimated budget. The government of Largo is taking a serious look into the matter, and wants to reduce this overhead cost before the construction of

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the data center starts. Largo Government had approved the data center project in the month of May. The budget of the project even then was estimated to be $1.1 million more than the $2 million that was set aside from the city’s local sales tax funds. “We said we’d do our best to try to reduce that overage. We haven’t been terribly successful at that,” Assistant City Manager Henry Schubert told the commission during a work session Nov. 13. “We have worked very hard to reduce costs where we can, but also did not want to compromise on the integrity of this building.” After much effort, the overhead cost has reduced to $1,026 million, a little less than the previous $1.1 million. The new data center is going to be located in the south west portion of the Largo Public Library parking lot, within Largo Central Park. Schubert said that the estimated budget is likely to go down as the specifics of the project have been nailed down, and the local authorities are in continuous talks with the construction firm, Biltmore Constructions. One satisfying thing about the budget is that the $3 million price is not only fro construction, but also for the installation of the servers and the equipments. “I think we can say with a high degree of confidence that if we proceed, this is the maximum number that we’re going to see,” Schubert said. “We’re optimistic that the bottom line number will come down.” Data Center Talk updates its resources everyday. Visit us to know of the latest technology and standards from the data center world. Please leave your views and comments on DCT Forum

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