Amadeus secures its data processing center like no one

Amadeus Data Processing Center in Erding, Germany has the world’s largest travel technology solutions provider. Everhard Haag, Amadeus executive vice president for global operations, during a briefing for visiting Asia Pacific journalists justified the building of the Erding fortress stressing that data and information is the heart of the travel business. The facility delivers mission critical services to the travel industry. Data has to be taken care of in a secure and safe manner to enable a flawless operation of the travel industry.

The largest civil operation of its kind in Europe makes its data unbeatable to external threats, either from natural calamities or man-made. The size of the facility alone is imposing; 30,000 cubic meters of concrete and 3,500 tons of steel in the bare shell. No amount of flooding can go through it. Each function has its own self-contained structure. The more important a function the deeper inside the building it is positioned, making the whole centre all reliable as possible.

The data center operates on a 24/7 basis, the Erding team passes on the task to Miami every 4 in the afternoon to run the center remotely and in turn pass on to Sydney and then back to Erding.

“We are the heart of an airline. Thus, we have zero tolerance for failure. This data center ensures redundancy in all our operations and has high scalability to deliver critical mission services to airlines,” says Haag. In fact, Haag said the data center’s processing capacity has been growing 30 percent annually and the growth is coming not just from pure travel bookings but various travel transactions, including inquiries online on the cheapest travel fares.

With the strong growth in travel, Amadeus has its hands full.

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