Apple’s data Center to Take Clean Energy to New Heights

According to industry reports, Apple’s 500,000 Sq. ft data center in Maiden, N.C has committed towards using clean energy for the facility. They have confirmed that the data center will completely run on renewable energy by the end of 2012.

Apple is planning on producing a staggering 60% of the clean energy onsite. The site will be installed with 100-acre of solar array. Each solar array is capable of producing 42 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity on an annual basis.

The 84 million kWh combined solar power will be added to the 40 million kWh of electricity that will be produced by an onsite bio-gas powered 5-megawatt fuel cell installation for a total of 124 million kWh of clean onsite power. The amount of power which will be generated through this medium is enough to provide electricity to 11,000 homes.

Though Apple is generating a major part of power onsite, they will be purchasing the remaining 40% form local vendors. It is reported that they are considering Catawba County Landfill for this purpose. NC Greenpower is going to start work on the landfill to convert methane gas generated there into usable electricity which will in turn provide power solutions to the data center.

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