Pulsant Completes $6.1 Million UK Data Center

Pulsant has provided high quality IT infrastructure to its customers since 1995. Pulsant now has eight data centers in 5 locations across the UK. Pulsant is one of the UK’s largest cloud, managed networks, managed hosting, and managed application and co-location service providers. Pulsant customers range from small enterprises to large private and public sector organizations.

One of the Uk’s co-location and cloud hosting company announced its completion of $6.1 million data center in Milton Keynes, UK. This data center is located 45

miles away from Northwest of London. This project comes after 9 months since its launch in October 2011. This new data center in Milton Keynes has a total capacity of 37, 000 sq ft. This new data center provides services like managed hosting, co-location and managed hosting to small and large UK business. Pulsant currently serves 3, 000 customers across 8 UK centers ranging from Tier 2 to Tier 4. Pulsant has plans of expanding its data center in Scotland and South London. Milton Keynes data center is included with advanced system monitoring, power management and system monitoring system.

CEO of Pulsant Mark Howling said, “This is a flagship data center in a prime ‘out of London’ location for businesses seeking an established, high quality, highly secure and PCI compliant facility. It operates to ISO27001, supports high rack power densities up to 15Kw, is connected by a resilient, multi-carrier

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