Zenoss enters the Programmable Data-center Bus

Reacting to the inclination of streamlining data-center management, Zenoss has added to its
network monitoring software support for a popular open-source messaging bus.

“This is one of the most significant launches in our history,” said Zenoss technical evangelist Floyd
Strimling of the release of Zenoss Core 4, the open-source core version of the company’s namesake
product. “We worked to revamp many of the architectural components.”

Zenoss monitors network services such as Web servers and mail services as well as the health and
utilization of network devices, such as routers. The company claims that the software can process
up to 100 million events per day.

For a programmable data center, “there is definitely a need for a unified message bus for different
applications to talk to with each other,” Strimling said. “If I can put things on and take things off a
single message bus, I can make any two applications seem to be unified.”

For instance, Zenoss operational data can provide third-party applications useful event data,
such as log-analysis software. Conversely, outside data can provide a Zenoss application with
vital information about new hardware or software being added to a system. “There are a lot of
interesting things can be accomplished,” Strimling said.

While, technically speaking, this is the Zenoss Core 4.2 release. The Zenoss commercial distribution
of the software should be upgraded to this version within the next month or so, Strimling said.

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