Metronode opens power-efficient Victoria data centre

Metronode has emphasised the energy efficiency of its new centre, opened today in Derrimut, Victoria.


The data centre has a Power Utilisation Efficiency (PUE) of less than 1.2. Traditional data centres can run 2.2 or higher, said Leighton Telecom executive general manager, Peter McGrath.

The facility has direct free air cooling and modular plant.The data centre site is more than 25,000 square metres and can support up to 12MW of IT load with more than 3,000 equipment racks. The project is “one of many” Leighton has answer to “market demand from large carriers, enterprise and government customers for high end infrastructure based services and mission critical applications,” McGrath said. systems, as well as on-site rain water retention and harvesting and intelligent site monitoring, Metronode said. The facility “provides a 90 per cent real reduction in power required for cooling,” McGrath said. “These significant energy savings are then passed on to our customers and the end user.”

Metronode has existing data centres in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. The company plans to open energy-efficient facilities in the Illawarra region, Sydney and Perth, it said.

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