AFCOM, data center industry association recently announced the appointment of Tom Roberts as its new president. Tom Roberts is a veteran of the data center industry. He has served as a Senior Technical Architect for data centers at Trinity Healthcare; responsible for about 25 data centers across the country. The announcement of the new entry to the company was made at the Data Center World Conference held in Nashville, Tenn. Tom Roberts will be responsible for the growth and performance up gradation of AFCOM’s Chapter Program and member services. He will also hold the position of Chairman of the Data Center World events, and be responsible for all the educational programs. He is also going to head the Data Center Institute and foster thought leading research and best practices. Robert’s expertise spans all facets of the data center industry like computer operations, facilities management, and data management. He has earned several accolades of which the recent one is ‘Data Center Manager’ of

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the year 2011. Roberts is a familiar name in the AFCOM community; he contributed to the start of AFCOM’s Michigan chapter. He also served as the President of this project from 2003-2012. “I’d been in the business more or less for 30 years, with different titles and tasks, and I learned a great deal,” Roberts told eWEEK. “Then I came out to one of the conferences, and when you come to a conference, you automatically become a member, which is a nice thing. I looked at the availability of the education and the networking (between AFCOM members) and got fired up with the concepts and the core values that AFCOM has, and really wanted to take advantage of that.” “Now I think this is a chance for me to give back and maybe tie in some of the membership with what’s going on in the industry and keep that educational base at a very high level for everybody.” Data Center Talk updates its resources everyday. Visit us to know of the latest technology and standards from the data center world.Please leave your views and comments on DCT Forum

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