AGIMO chooses two data centre providers
The Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) has proclaimed two providers for its whole of Government Data Centre Facilities Panel. The two cheerful companies are Canberra Data Centres and TransACT Capital Communications, both of which are now in the box
seat to scoop hosting performance from government agencies that are too small to erect and operate their own data centres. AGIMO’s strategy is to use its muscle to buy in bulk from its nominated providers, who will then pass on the savings to little agencies. Would-be-panellists had to commit to operating 500m2 of data centre space and/or 500kw of power supply for a 10 year period. The decision will be a filip for Canberra Data Centers, which has targeted federal government business since its inception. TransACT also has a strong Canberra connection. Now owned by iiNet, the company’s inclusion on the panel nicely diversifies its parent’s activities away from consumer internet. Data Center Talk updates its resources everyday. Visit us to know of the latest technology and standards from the data center world. Please leave your views and comments on DCT Forum