Asian regions operating data centers at highest level of efficiency

Only 10 percent of data centers in the Asian region are operating at their highest level of efficiency. A characteristic integral to helping organizations gain more efficient use of manpower for IT projects instead of maintenance.

Quoting key findings from an IDC survey, Simon Piff, associate vice president of enterprise infrastructure at IDC Asia-Pacific, said it was surprising 90 percent of data centers across Asian were not as efficient as they could be.

Less surprising was Singapore taking the top spot, with 38.9 percent of data centers here “strategic” and most operationally efficient, Piff said at a media briefing to discuss the survey findings. Sponsored by IBM, the study interviewed 180 organizations in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines between March and April this year to uncover datacenter efficiency best practices.

Based on responses gathered, IDC and IBM created four categories along an efficiencycontinuum–starting from “basic” to identify a data center that was inefficient, followed by “consolidated”, “available”, and “strategic” which referred to a highly efficient data center.

Incidentally, not one respondent ticked all the boxes associated with characteristics of a strategic data center, Piff noted. In particular, when it came to storage infrastructure management, everyone “performed badly”, he said.

This current lack of attention–and budget–to storage could mean a potential “train wreck” in the future, considering the tide of big data, the IDC analyst warned.


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