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Old 05-10-2011, 03:21 PM
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KenB KenB is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 468

Think of all the plausible reasons your generator delivery guy might not be able to make it to your site before your batteries run out and put a price on those scenarios. Don't forget to price out the purchase and replacement costs of batteries needed to run your power and cooling for 24 hours. With just-in-time generator delivery, you'll need the infrastructure (transfer switch, alternate electrical feeders, parking spot) for a generator, anyway, so your savings will only be generator purchase and maintenance costs. I think a small generator of your own will turn out to be cheap insurance.

Also, 30 minutes is too long for automatic transfer to a standby generator; 5-10 minutes should be plenty.

Just my opinion.

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