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Old 09-29-2015, 02:30 PM
winson winson is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 25

DC method is really great for low power consumption. Most data center equipments run on Direct Current or DC. IT gears are made to run by DC but the problem is the provided electricity from the utilities is AC or Alternating Current. The UPS can covert the electricity into three phrases and make a one way line to the data center. Emerge Alliance is following DC method and they have reduced a huge amount of power cost. They made a test run on their data centers, using 380 volt DC instead id 280 volt AC. The senior project manager of the company said that the three steps converting needs a large amount of power and canceling this process helped them to reduce the load of cooling system as well. The data center’s equipments are creating less heat because they are skipping the three phrase conversion method. DC is cutting down electricity cost as well as assisting in heat control.
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