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Old 12-01-2008, 08:04 PM
Neoeclectic Neoeclectic is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 85

Naw, don't extend warranties; it's not worth it.

Typically, most envrionments will cycle their servers anywhere from 2-5 years. Personally, I think 5 years is a long time but it makes sense for bigger, more expensive systems.

Sometimes you can engage into a leasing agreement where you lease the servers and return them at the end of the lease agreement or at the EOL. This has huge advantages over straight out purchasing and owning servers. The company I'm with now makes it a standard practice to purchase and they kick themselves in the rear every time because then they have to worry about extending the warranties, disposal when those servers are finally done, and purchasing replacements and basically going through that vicious cycle all over again.

Just lease and when the lease runs out (which the warranty should be good regardless) just upgrade to something newer that comes with a new warranty. Sometimes you'll find it is cheaper to follow that route than it is to stay with old equipment and continously extending the warranty on dying machines.
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