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Old 02-21-2010, 06:20 AM
Johny22 Johny22 is offline
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Default why choose clustering server..,?

Clustering is not a load balancer in SQL Server. Clustering can give us some version of load balancing if you splice up your data, but you’ll have to be careful with available resources to take over from any instance that fails so that you don't have only part of your spliced data available to your customers!Clustering is also not some performance-enhancing drug for the athlete that is SQL Server. It’s simple task is to provide a safeguard for failure – a plan B if plan A fails.
I suppose, Clustering can give you some form of load balancing if you license all of the nodes and split up the instances amongst the nodes. It isn't true load balancing though and it’s expensive doing it this way!!Clustering is for failures on a server and to have smaller downtime windows.
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