View Full Version : SSD VPS required - $30/month

04-25-2023, 11:43 AM
I am looking for a new windows vps hosting at $30 or below per month. 30GB SSD, 2gbs ram. 700GB bandwidth. I know I maybe asking too much for little price. But this is what I can afford. So if anyone know any provider like my needs then please let me know.
Do you know anything about hostingsource.com VPS solutions?
Are they good? Any alternatives, please?

05-02-2023, 07:58 AM
My experience using hostingsource.com has been superb. Site performance is great!
Speed is great and everything just works.
Highly recommended!

11-08-2023, 07:24 AM
Prefer to focus on something much more important, reliable web hosting and great customer service.
==>> hostdime.com (https://hostdime.com/)
==>> regvps.com (https://regvps.com/)
==>> exmasters.com (https://exmasters.com/)
These professionals will go over your needs and find a perfect hosting fit for you.